Distinguished lecture canceled this week, to be rescheduled

Contact: Allison Matthews

STARKVILLE, Miss.--The lecture by nationally recognized economics researcher and writer James R. Otteson scheduled for Thursday [Nov. 6] has been canceled at Mississippi State.

Otteson said he unfortunately needed to cancel his visit as part of the university's 2014-15 Institute for the Humanities Distinguished Lecture Series, but he hopes to reschedule at a later date.

A University of Chicago doctoral graduate, Otteson is executive director of Wake Forest University's BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism and Teaching Professor of Political Economy. Prior to joining the WFU faculty, he held faculty positions at Yeshiva, New York and Georgetown universities and the University of Alabama.

Established by MSU's College of Arts and Sciences in 2005, the lecture series regularly brings prominent speakers to campus for the benefit of students, faculty and interested members of the general public.

For more information about the series, contact William Anthony Hay, institute director at whay@history.msstate.edu. General information on the institute is found at www.ih.msstate.edu.

MSU is online at www.msstate.edu.

Wed, 11/05/2014 - 06:00