Tickets available for Madrigal Dinner

For the 30th consecutive year, the Madrigal Dinner will usher in Christmastide at Mississippi State University.

The Dec. 2 event will recreate a Yuletide gathering in Medieval England. In addition to a traditional meal of the period, the evening affair includes Christmas music performed by the student Madrigal Singers.

The program, which begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Bost Extension Center auditorium, is co-sponsored by the Campus Activities Board and the music education department.

Tickets go on sale Friday [Nov. 8] at $18 each for the general public; $14 for students. Advance purchases can be made in 118 Colvard Union.

For additional information, telephone (601) 325-2513.

Thu, 11/07/1996 - 06:00