Norma Craig

Norma Craig
Photo by Russ Houston

Norma Craig's reputation preceded her.

In 2009, she joined the Department of Facilities Management with excellent references from previous campus duties as special assistant in the Department of Housing and Residence Life.

Described as diligent in her duties and kind to everyone she meets, Craig helps manage payroll and other human resources functions for nearly 250 facilities management employees. Since joining the staff as an accounting assistant, she has had two promotions.

As one of 14 siblings growing up, Craig said she learned early the art and value of hard work. Over time, she also learned to enjoy her work, no matter whether it entailed cleaning homes and schools to preparing for events.

Learning to pay close attention to details was among the reasons she was able to move into her current role as a senior payroll assistant.

"Norma Craig is a multi-talented person who approaches every challenge with the highest degree of integrity and dedication," said a former colleague. "Her loyalty and willingness to go the extra mile have earned her great respect among supervisors, peers and co-workers. She is a committed and loving parent, as well as a faithful and trustworthy friend."

A single mother who has, at times, juggled multiple jobs, Craig's life hasn't been easy. Whatever the challenge, she declares faith, hope and love as the positive forces that motivate her daily to do her best and appreciate all she has. She especially is grateful for son Dalton Childers, an MSU senior, and daughter Kimberly Craig, a 16-year-old high school student.

Craig said she loves her current work—and her co-workers. "They're my family," she said of the entire facilities management team.