Tiffany Brady

Tiffany Brady

Tiffany Brady's stylish adventures have taken her from Ripley, Miss., to the Big Apple's Madison Avenue to country music's capital and back to Mississippi State.

During the past few years, the Shackouls Honors College double-major in marketing and apparel, textiles and merchandising has decided how she wants to spend her future. Fascinated by style and marketing, Brady has helped fashion-conscious women select wedding dresses at the Vera Wang Bridal House in New York City. She also interned at Country Music Television in Nashville, helping maintain the company's Facebook page and Twitter account, learning how to get attention the right way in the digital world. She even helped with event planning the annual Country Music Association Festival.

The different aspects of marketing continue to pique Brady's interest, particularly the importance of branding.

"The heart and soul of a company is the brand," she said. "That's how people recognize it."

After her planned May graduation, she intends to pursue a position with a marketing company in the Nashville area. Until then, here's a little social media advice from someone who knows: "Be really careful what you say," Brady said. "You never know who will see or hear it."