Steven Manley

Steven Manley

Growing up in Avon Park, Fla., Steven Manley would listen as announcers for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers made the games come alive over the radio with their play by play coverage and color commentary. He'd dream about one day having the opportunity to entertain listeners as well.

During his senior year, the communication major and Famous Maroon Band member decided to pursue opportunity instead of waiting for it to knock. He approached the WMSV station manager about an on-air job.

His proactive efforts led to his being given a position as a DJ, as well as other duties behind the microphone. The experience has given him the drive to pursue a possible future career in radio.

"Being on air is fun, and I love having the opportunity to entertain the listeners," Manley said. "I would love to be able to see where this could go, and maybe even move into management and programming in the future."