Erron Flowers

Erron Flowers

Erron Flowers had always thought his career path lay in front of a camera. As a broadcasting and public relations major at MSU, he seemed set to follow that dream until his experiences as a student recruiter and Roadrunner led him in another direction.

Following graduation, Erron was given the opportunity to remain at State as an admissions counselor and recruiter in the Office of Admissions and Scholarships. As a student recruiter and Roadrunner, he loved working with prospective students. The chance to do it full time was impossible to pass up.

While he hasn't abandoned his desire for a career in broadcasting, Erron said he is in no hurry to leave a job he loves so much.

"I am so passionate about recruitment and Mississippi State and I love being able to share that with other people," Erron said. "Going to college is one of the most important decisions in a person's life and being able to help them plan for their future and decide to become a Bulldog is the most rewarding part of what I do."