Donna Maykowski

Donna Maykowski

Two things inspire Donna Maykowski—Rocky Balboa and students involved in Mississippi State's student organizations.

While she loves her "Rocky" film collection, Maykowski's love for students has convinced the executive secretary for the Center for Student Involvement that she has the best job on campus.

"I get to work with the best students, and they keep me young," said the 15-year MSU employee who has worked directly with students for 13 years.

While she formally assists student organizations such as the Student Association and serves as adviser to the Black Student Alliance, Maykowski sees her role more as a mother helping her extended family find their place on campus. Her discussions with students about family, classes and anything else aren't lost on the students. Many of them keep up with Donna years after graduation.

Here's another sign of students' appreciation for Donna: in 2004, the SA Senate created the Donna M. Maykowski Friend of the Student Award, given to a faculty or staff member annually who goes beyond the call of duty to help students.

Rocky would be proud.