AJ Foster

AJ Foster

International student AJ Foster may be studying agronomy, but his passion is soccer.

"I always tell my friends, as long as I'm breathing I'm going to be playing or I'm going to be around a game in some way," the Jamaica native said.

Foster discovered "football" as it's known outside the United States, around the age of 12. Now while at MSU as a graduate student in agricultural sciences, he's taken on the volunteer role of Division One head coach for boys' soccer in Starkville.

"It's known as 'the beautiful game.' If you think about it, soccer is the number one sport in the whole world," says Foster. Then he adds, "It's a sport that goes beyond color, race, and creed. It just breaks every boundary."

Though he's not sure where his agronomy career will take him yet, there's one thing he is sure of:

"If they don't have a soccer club, you can't pay me enough money to go there!"