PCSM to host diversity conference in November

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The President's Commission on the Status of Minorities at Mississippi State will host the 2014 Diversity Conference Nov. 13-14 in Colvard Student Union.

The conference -- "From Conversations to Collaboration: Pathways to Diversity" -- will feature several nationally and regionally recognized speakers. The keynote speaker will be Tim Wise, a nationally known author and educator on race relations who has made numerous appearances on radio and television networks. Named one of "25 Visionaries Who are Changing Your World" by Utne Reader, Wise has spoken in all 50 states, on more than 800 college and high school campuses, and to community groups across the nation.

One of the conference's primary goals will be to discuss critical issues related to diversity in higher education while creating opportunities via communication to open doors for better understanding. The expectation is that the conversations we have will lead to greater understanding of our similarities and differences that will positively affect our state, nation and world.

Conference attendance is open to all and offers an excellent professional development opportunity. Registration fees are $25 for students and $99 for non-students. Departments are encouraged to sponsor the cost of attendance for faculty, staff and students.

For additional information about the agenda and registration, please visit http://ce.msucares.com/DiversityConference/index.html.

Please contact Ra'Sheda Boddie-Forbes at rboddie-forbes@saffairs.msstate.edu or 662-325-2033 with questions.

Sun, 10/26/2014 - 05:00