Health plan to see tobacco use changes in 2015

Human Resources Management at Mississippi State reminds all benefits-eligible MSU employees enrolled in the State and School Employees' Health Plan that they were recently mailed a current "Know Your Benefits" newsletter from the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).

This newsletter reminds everyone that October open enrollment is the perfect time to review your benefits. The health plan document, premium rates, wellness information, and the current newsletter may be found on the Know Your Benefits website at

One of the important changes DFA's board of directors approved is a new $50 per month Tobacco Use Surcharge beginning July 1, 2015.

Employees will soon receive a Tobacco Use Attestation Form for documentation of their tobacco use. Each employee will receive full instructions to submit the Tobacco Use Attestation Form, and employees who do not submit a form will default to an affirmative response and incur the $50 per month surcharge. The attestation involves plan participants only, requires attestation of any type of tobacco use, and does not affect your dependents or spouse.

When you receive your Tobacco Use Attestation Form, please follow instructions carefully and submit the form promptly. Afterwards, each employee will receive email notification that a completed form was received. Employees who do not submit an attestation form will receive email notification regarding their incomplete status.

The DFA board also voted to implement a premium increase effective July 1, 2015. The current rates as well as new rates are available on the Know Your Benefits website at

MSU employees may review their current benefits by signing onto the MyState portal and clicking on the Benefit Statement link. If you want to add, modify or cancel your benefits coverage, you must participate in open enrollment during October. Banner open enrollment may also be accessed from the MyState portal through Oct. 27.

In addition, the MSU Benefits Office is available for open enrollment questions or appointments by calling 662-325-3713.

Mon, 10/20/2014 - 05:00