Libba Andrews of MSU now heading Southeast ed support group

Contact: Sammy McDavid

Libba Andrews
Libba Andrews

STARKVILLE, Miss.--A leader of the Mississippi State University Alumni Association is the new regional head of an international educational support organization.

Associate director Libba B. Andrews of Starkville recently was chosen for a two-year term as chair of District III of the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. A Columbus native, she is a 1983 MSU communication graduate.

CASE, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is the country's leading organization for education professionals working in the areas of alumni relations, communications and development. With 4,200 members, District III is one of eight geographical units covering the United States and Canada.

"This is a tremendous honor and privilege," Andrews said. "It's an even greater responsibility, one I take very seriously.

"Education improves lives and our team of volunteers is committed to offering the highest level of development opportunities so advancement professionals can share best practices and assist in advancing the missions of our institutions," she added.

In addition to Mississippi, the Southeast district includes nearly 600 public and private institutions of higher learning, independent and secondary schools, and other educational entities in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

"We are both pleased and proud to have Libba Andrews representing Mississippi State in this way," said Jimmy Abraham, interim vice president for development and alumni. "As with her alumni association duties, she has been a hardworking and faithful supporter of CASE's mission to help professionals at its member schools do the very best job they can.

"From her years of experience, she will be an excellent mentor to guide professionals at other institutions," Abraham added.

Andrews' long association with CASE has included leadership of various programs and conference committees. She also has served two terms as district treasurer and one as chair-elect.

As the alumni association's associate director, she is responsible for generating non-dues revenues and working with the organization's affinity partners, including the travel program. She also oversees activities related to class reunions, homecoming and student programs.

Andrews joined the alumni association staff in 1989 and earlier was business administrator and marketing coordinator. Prior to working at MSU, she was general manager of a Starkville radio station.

COLUMBUS EDITOR: Andrews is a 1979 Heritage Academy School graduate and the daughter of Bonnie Boyd and the late Charlie Boyd.

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Wed, 02/14/2007 - 00:00