April 7 weather watch

Weather at Mississippi State

With the potential for severe thunderstorms Friday afternoon, university officials continue to monitor weather conditions in consultation with Mississippi State University meteorologists. Events for Super Bulldog Weekend continue this afternoon, but a Friday afternoon outdoor groundbreaking has been moved to an alternate indoor location as a precaution.

Emergency protocols are in place in the event of worsening conditions, and notices will continue to be posted at this site and communicated to the appropriate personnel to ensure safety for faculty, staff, students, and visitors.

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to exercise all reasonable precautions and, in the event of severe weather, to move to a safe, indoor location. Employees should assess their travel needs in consultation with their direct supervisors, with their safety a top priority.

A 3 p.m. groundbreaking for the new choral/band rehearsal hall now will be held in Coskrey Auditorium of Memorial Hall.

Fri, 04/07/2006 - 05:00