Spirit of State Award Announced

Mississippi State is initiating a new student award this year to recognize exceptional personal contributions to student life at the university. Called the Spirit of State Award, the premier Student Affairs honor is open to all Mississippi State students, freshmen to graduate, from all campuses. It will formally recognize excellence in campus involvement, service to the university, actions that promote the Bulldog spirit, and the overall impact the student has made on his or her peers and the broader campus community. In addition to public ceremonies recognizing their contributions, winners also will receive a customized gift that designates them as outstanding examples of the "Spirit of State."

The university community is asked to help in two ways:

  • Identifying students who embody the Spirit of State and making them aware of the award program.
  • Supporting these outstanding students by writing nomination letters if asked.

Students who feel they represent the ideals of this award should fill out the Spirit of State Award application found at: www.saffairs.msstate.edu/spirit. The application should be printed, attached with a letter of support, and sent to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (Mail Stop 9504) by March 10, 2006. The awards will be presented at a special recognition program on April 7, 2006.

Wed, 02/22/2006 - 06:00