MSU participating in 'Get Carded' sexual assault awareness project

Contact: Maridith Geuder

A public event Thurssday [Sept. 23] at Mississippi State is part of a national effort to educate university students and interested employees about sexual assault risks and methods of prevention.

An educational effort sponsored by the Washington, D.C.-based Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, the "Get Carded" project hopes to reach more than 1.5 million college students on more than 1,200 college and university campuses. The Prudential Financial Cos. of Newark, N.J. are project underwriters.

Sponsored locally by the Longest Student Health Center and Division of Student Affairs, "Get Carded" will involve one-on-one information and printed materials provided by approximately 50 MSU volunteers at a variety of campus locations.

Leigh Jensen, coordinator of the division's sexual assault services, said volunteers will be available on the Drill Field, Sanderson Center, Colvard Union, and other locations during the daylong event.

"Nationally, one of every six women has been the victim of a sexual assault, and people age 16-24 are three times more at risk than any other group," Jensen said. "Our goal is to provide information that helps young men and women learn how to protect themselves and know where to turn if they need help."

Based on evidence that personal awareness is the best single defense against sexual assault, Jensen said that, in her role at MSU, she regularly advises students to:

--Share contact information, as well as class and social schedules, with friends;

--Be part of a group at social events and always exercise caution if asked to leave with unknown or untrustworthy individuals;

--Never leave a drink unattended;

--Learn the location of emergency phones, avoid shortcuts, use campus shuttles at night; and

--"Trust your instincts."

Jensen said "Get Carded" has been "a tremendous success nationally, and we want to help communicate information that may prevent an assault.

"We also want to make students, particularly new students, know there are resources on the MSU campus to support them."

For more information about sexual assault services at MSU, telephone Jensen at (662) 325-2218.

For more information about the national "Get Carded" program, visit .

Fri, 09/17/2004 - 05:00