History professor to appear on national cable network

Contact: Kay Fike Jones

A Mississippi State University history professor and award-winning author will discuss his latest book during an hour-long appearance on cable television's C-SPAN network.

John F. Marszalek will talk about "The Petticoat Affair: Manners, Mutiny and Sex in Andrew Jackson's White House" on the March 8 broadcast of "Booknotes."

His appearance will air at 7 and 10 p.m. on the 8th and at 5 a.m. on the 9th. All times are central standard.

Marszalek's book details the scandal surrounding Margaret Eaton, wife of President Jackson's secretary of war, John Henry Eaton, during the first of Jackson's two terms (1829-1837).

Snubbed by 19th century Washington, D.C., society for perceived sexual improprieties, Mrs. Eaton counted Jackson, America's seventh president, as one of her staunchest defenders. However, one of her biggest detractors was the wife of Vice President John C. Calhoun.

The bitter and escalating dispute led to a split between Jackson and Calhoun. Ultimately, Jackson forced the resignation of his entire cabinet, in the process nearly ruining his first term.

A Buffalo, N.Y., native, Marszalek is the author of several books dealing with the Civil War and civil rights. He joined the MSU faculty in 1973.

Thu, 02/26/1998 - 00:00