'Successful intelligence' topic of program

Contact: Kay Fike Jones

A nationally recognized authority on creativity and intelligence will speak Wednesday [Oct. 29] at Mississippi State University.

Robert J. Sternberg, IBM professor of psychology and education at Yale University, will discuss "Successful Intelligence" at a 3:30 p.m. public program in Lee Hall auditorium.

Sternberg has written more than 600 articles, books and book chapters dealing with intelligence, including "Beyond IQ," "The Triangle of Love," "Metaphors of Mind," and "Thinking Styles and Successful Intelligence."

The program is the first of the 1997-98 school year in the Byars-Wheeler Eminent Lecturer Series in Psychology. Co-sponsors are the psychology department and the College of Arts and Sciences Colloquium Committee.

For more information, contact the psychology department at (601) 325-3202.

Fri, 10/24/1997 - 00:00