Roofing project will temporarily close some parking

The re-roofing of McComas Hall at Mississippi State University soon will close portions of an adjacent parking lot that accommodates students and staff.

Work begins Monday [Nov. 25] on the President's Circle building that houses the university theater and art gallery, as well as communication department offices and classrooms.

Construction barricades will be put in place this weekend prior to the beginning of the project, which is to be completed in early 1997.

Approximately half of the parking area east of the building will be reserved during the project's duration for the contractor, Accurate Roofing Co. of Holly Springs.

"It is expected that the roofing work will continue through the Christmas holidays," said Robert Johnston, assistant director of facilities planning and construction.

Glass roofing work over the building's lobby is planned to begin in January and finished by Feb. 1, he added.

Tue, 11/19/1996 - 06:00