A time to net surf? Mississippi State offers Grisham homepage

Contact: Maridith Geuder

Fans of best-selling novelist John Grisham have a new place to read about his ties to his home state and alma mater.

An Internet site just launched by Mississippi State University on the World Wide Web highlights the 1977 accounting graduate's advice to graduating students, his feelings about Mississippi State baseball, and his recollections of life as a student at the Starkville campus.

The Grisham home page can be accessed at http://www.msstate.edu/grisham/.

Included are writings by and about the lawyer-turned-writer dating from 1990, shortly after he published his first limited-edition [only 5,000 copies] book, "A Time To Kill." The effort is described for web explorers in a university alumni magazine article written before Grisham rose to best-seller ranks.

Grisham fans also can read the author's introduction to a pictorial history of Mississippi State baseball, "Inside Dudy Noble"; background and descriptions of his papers held by Mitchell Memorial Library; and descriptions of teaching awards he established at the university.

A link to publisher Bantam/Doubleday/Dell provides a listing and synopsis of Grisham's novels, as well as an author profile.

Mon, 05/20/1996 - 05:00